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TermsConditions applicable for Dragracing.eu
Purchase of entry registration for drag racing event using Dragracing.eu

Contact information
Dragracing.eu is a domain owned, administeredrun by the privately held Swedish company Nitroz AB, located in Huddinge, Sweden.
Company name: Nitroz AB
Street address & no: Annelundsvägen 14
Zip code & area: S-141 44 Huddinge
e-mail: info@nitroz.se

Phone: +46-8-711 55 60
Organization no / VAT 556519597101

General conditions
Dragracing.eu provides entry registration for events on commission for each organizer. Dragracing.eu is only an agent for the organizers. All questionsremarks regarding the events organization, schedule etc shall be put to the event organizer. The service at Dragracing.eu is designed only to comply with drivers/teams (here after stated as Customer).

Terms of purchase of the competition.
A booking can be canceled until payment is made by card, direct paymentinvoice.
The purchase is completed by clicking OK in our Checkout!
The distance contract laws rules on cancellation rights do not apply when purchasing a competition notice. When the notification has taken place, the Customer is therefore bound by his purchase.
Also, the purchased racing registration can not be changed to another competition.

Bank Account Information
Nitroz AB has the following bank accounts available;
Bank: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), Sweden
Currency Iban
SEK 5364 10 327 33Iban: SE0750000000053641032733
GBP 5930 82 519 44Iban: SE4350000000059308251944
NOK 5930 82 519 52Iban: SE2150000000059308251952
EUR 5930 82 519 60Iban: SE9650000000059308251960
DKK 5930 82 519 79Iban: SE6850000000059308251979

Bic - code: ESSESESS
Postgiro: 63 38 07-3
Bankgiro: 846-0792

Way of Payment
The organizer determines ways of payment for their event correspondingly. Ways of payment will be stated in organizers entry form. In general, Dragracing.eu provides following ways of payment;
direct thru bank, creditbank card, invoicepost-bank giro.

Paying by bank card/credit card
The card used for payment at Dragracing.eu must be issued to your name.
Security when paying with bank card/credit card; Your card information is sent in encrypted form to a dedicated secure server. Money is transferred immediately from your card/account after registration of your card informationreceiving a booking number.
The following bank cards/credit cards can be used for payment thru internet;
VISAMasterCard for Europe (except for Russia).
As of today we cannot handle American Express.
Instructions for payment thru internet with bank card/credit card will be described in detail when choosing way of payment for your entry registration.

Payment directly at bank
As customer to below stated banks, you are able to pay directly, over the counter, at the following banks;
- Handelsbanken
- Nordea
- Swedbank.
Instructions for payment thru bank will be described in detail when choosing way of payment for your entry registration.

Payment using PayPal
Dragracing.eu cannot today handle payment using PayPal. Work is ongoing to provide the service in the future.

Payment using Invoice (Credit in 72 hours)
Dragracing.eu provides payment by invoice. If the customer uses this should payment be made immediately as directed. Issuing of invoice equated with other means of payment, the purchase by invoice is binding.

Payment Terms 3 days. (72 hours)
The debt can only be reduced by payment to the designated account Nitroz AB, which means that payments with liberating effect (debt reduction) can only be done under Nitroz AB instruction.

The customer is obligated to pay expenses for the service. Cost of purchase by invoice included in administartions fee. Executed payments deducted primarily against accrued interestfees,then the amount owed.

Interest on late payments
In the event that payment of the principalcharges are not fulfilled in time, will Nitroz AB take a special annual rate on the amount due, until payment is made. Nitroz AB will charge the customer interest monthly. The interest is charged at a monthly rate of presently 2%, which corresponds to an annual rate of 24%

Other fees
Customer is liable to the payment delayspayment less than the principal amountthe side of penalty interest, pay a reminder fee of presently 150 kr. For payments that do not conform with the received payment form, a fee of presently 45 kr. Nitroz AB has the right to charge the customer compensation claimsdebt collection costs in accordance with the law.

Changes in interest rates
Nitroz AB reserves the right to immediate change all specified interest rates in this Agreement in the event that it is justified by credit policy decisions, increased borrowing costs for Nitroz ABother cost increases that Nitroz AB could not reasonably foresee when the contract was concluded. Nitroz AB also reserves the right to change the specified interest rates in connection with changes in the reference rate Nitroz AB has no significant influence.

Nitroz AB undertakes to apply the two above stated paragraph on interest rate changes both at possible interest rate increases at the rate cuts. Change of charges may be made to the extent Nitroz AB has been facing increasing their corresponding costs,for fees set by the authority as requirementscollection fees, when such increase becomes effective. Nitroz AB shall facilitate the customer of changes in interestfee changes.

Printable invoice is under the Notification

Payment at event/late entry
The organizer decides the ways of paymententries for their event correspondingly. In some cases the organizer will not use payment thru Dragracing.eu (i.e late entry). If this is the case, the organizer will state this at entry form. (Paying entry fee at the event can be at a considerably higher cost than ordinary entry fee).

Service, deliverydistribution commission
In some cases there will be an addition cost for the Customer to pay as service, deliverydistribution commission. The commission will be clearly noted if applied.

Note to Customer
There can be specific documents for a specific event. Be sure to acquire all information before entry registration.

Time stamp for entry registration
Entry registration is completedreserved when payment has been transferred to Dragracing.eu (registered at Dragracing.eu account). Time stamp for entry registration (datetime) is the one publicized at Dragracing.eu.

Customer Responsibility
Entry registration is only valid for personal usenot for commercial purposes. This means that the entry registration is not to be transferred, sold to third part, offered as prize in events,in combination to productservice, without written permission from Dragracing.eu and/or organizer.

Retail (or suspicion thereof) to a higher cost stated at entry registration, to third part is proof to nullvoid the entry registration. When nullvoid in such case, the entry registration fee (and in applicable cases service, deliverydistribution commission) is forfeitwill not be transferred back to Customer in any form.

Purchase that is contrary to termsconditions
Dragracing.eu reserves the right to nullvoid entry registrations and/or purchase made by Customer,to expel the Customer from Dragracing.eu, if the Customer neglects to give truthful information about them selfin any case trying to alter the conditions stated for entry registration. The Customers shall intend to attend to the event of which the purchase of entry registration has been madeto comply with organizers standardsrules.

Cancelled event
The Customer is responsible to acquire information regarding the cancellation of an event. In case of cancellation of event shall the Customer immediately contact the organizer responsible regarding repayment of entry registration fee. In some cases Dragracing.eu will handle the repayment on behalf of the organizer. In case of cancelled event, service, deliverydistribution commission will not be reimbursed.

If the Customer is entitled for repayment/reimbursement of entry registration fee, shall Customer put a claim to Dragracing.euthe organizer, no later than one (1) month from the events planned date, giving information regarding accountbank to which the repayment/reimbursement shall be sent to. If the Customer fails to do so, the Customer is not entitled for repayment/reimbursement. This is applicable for events cancelled by organizer. Repayment/reimbursement can only be valid after announcement at Dragracing.eu..

General Information Rights
Dragracing.eu reserves all rights for the services providedfor the content (Dragracing.eu). User of services have no right to, in fullin part, in any way copy, reproduce, save, alter, move, send, distribute, publish, add any materialdownload any material in connection to Dragracing.eu (including text, pictures, trademarks, logotypes, graphics, musicsoundtracks) without written permission issued by Dragracing.eu. Use of productstrademarks, company nameslogotypes are prohibited if not otherwise stated in termsconditionsin a specific written permission issued by Dragracing.eu.

Illegal / lawful use
No information regarding services at Dragracing.eu may be copied, alteredto be used without written permission issued by Dragracing.eu. Not conforming to these termsconditions may lead to legal actions such as prosecution which may result in penalty. Not conforming to these termsconditions at Dragracing.eu may lead to exclusion to the websiteits services. Dragracing.eu reserves the rights to nullvoid entry registrations made if the Customer gives falsified informationif the Customer do not comply with termsconditions.

Regarding the events Dragracing.eu is only an agent for the organizer. Therefore Dragracing.eu cannot be held responsible for quality, execution, contents of organizers eventsDragracing.eu will not take any cost regarding damages created by ie cancelled eventany other shortcoming at the organizers event. All questionsremarks regarding events are handled by the organizer correspondingly. Further information regarding organizerspecific termsconditions for a specific event shall be stated in entry form for the event. Dragracing.eu does not coverare to be held responsible for server disruptions, delays, interruptionsother technical circumstances regarding services provided at Dragracing.eu.

Child / Guardian
A guardian shall ensure that the childs needs are metis legally responsible for the child in all areas handled / delivered by Dragracing.eu

Personal InformationConsent
Dragracing.eu stores historypersonal information which is entered by Customer.
Dragracing.eu will handled such information by automatic data management for the purpose of giving the Customer access to services provided by Dragracing.eu, send information to Customeroffers regarding services provided by Dragracing.eu. There can be marketing surveys performed to retrieve Customers view of services provided by Dragracing.eu. Dragracing.eu will provide Customers personal information to organizers, to which the Consumer has given consent by purchasing entry registration, and/or to third party to perform marketing surveys. When Customer registers at Dragracing.eu, Customer will automatically receive newsletters sent by e-mail from Dragracing.eu. Customer is responsible to keep user idpassword in a safeorderly manner in order to keep unauthorised persons access to Customer information at Dragracing.eu. By approving to termsconditions stated, Customer consent that Dragracing.eu stores Customer informationhandles this information related to objects above.

Intellectual Property Rights
All material including services provided by Dragracing.eu is owned by Dragracing.eu (Nitroz AB)are protected by copyright laws. Copyrightother intellectual property rights for content, layout (including text, electronic documents, graphics, pictures, soundtracks, photographs, data bases, soft ware, soft ware programsservices) is owned by Dragracing.eua third party. Pictures, textother material may not be copied without written permission issued by Dragracing.eu.
Dragracing.eu and/or third partypartners reserves the rights for contentsprogram soft ware at e-business site www.Dragracing.eu.

Subject to Change
Dragracing.eu is free to perform updates, changes, conditions, additionsdeleting material regarding services provided by Dragracing.eu, at any time,to limit access to services provided by Dragracing.eu, without prior notice.

Links, home pages
Dragracing.eu may have links to web sites which are maintained by a third party. For these web sitesin the use of them, there may be applicable user termsconditions stated by the third party. Dragracing.eu is not responsible for any other web sitestheir contents.

Governing Law
Swedish Governing Law is applied for termsconditions to the whole of Dragracing.eu. In case of interpretation of termsconditions, the Swedish text has priority.

Dragracing.eu, thru Nitroz AB, logs all informationwill share informationdata to Swedish Law Enforcement at suspicion of crime. Any exploitation of services provided by Dragracing.eu will immediately be reported to Swedish Law Enforcement.

Personal information
Personal information given by Customer to Dragracing.eu in connection to creation of profile will be managed by Dragracing.eu in a confidential manner. Dragracing.eu only collects informationdata necessary to complete services provided by Dragracing.eu. Dragracing.eu may verifyadd information by collecting information from private as well as open sources i.e. SBF (Swedish Automobile Federation)Svemo (Swedish Motorcycle Federation). Dragracing.eu may use Customers personal information for marketingcustomer surveys, businessmethod development, calculationadministration/management. Personal information may be used to offer Customer information regarding events/races, servicesother marketing activities. Customer consents that Dragracing.eu may give out personal information to arenas, organizers and/or other Dragracing.eu partners for above mentioned purposes. Dragracing.eu may also give out Customers personal information to countries (even outside EU/EES) for above mentioned purposes. If Customer whish to retrieve information about stored personal information handled by Dragracing.eu, make notification to not have advertisement,want Dragracing.eu to correct information about Customer (i.e falseincomplete information), shall Customer send a writtensigned request to Dragracing.eu by e-mail info@nitroz.se,headline reading “Dragracing.eu”. Personal information about Customer may be storedused for above mentioned purposes even when Customer has terminated agreement with Dragracing.eu. This storage shall not be longer than necessary. Dragracing.eu will protect qualityintegrity of all personal information. Dragracing.eu has implemented technicaladministrative routines to store usefulup to date information. By accepting termsconditioned stated above,Customer consents to handlingmanagement of personal information as mentioned above. Customer also consents to let Dragracing.eupartner as above, send marketing informationmaterial thru e-mail, smssimilar automatic system for individual communication.

A cookie is a piece of data information sent to your web browser from our server. The cookie is stored on the hard drive of Customer computer. Some parts of Dragracing.eu uses cookies in order to give Customer the best available service using services provided by Dragracing.eu at the web site Dragracing.eu. Customer can change settings on their computer in order to receive a message when a cookie is received. If so, Customer has the opportunity to reject storage of cookie.

During payment by bank card/credit card;
- Many work places has fire walls preventing connecting to certain bank services.

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